The Michael Medved Show – 6/3/2009 – Hour 2
Guest Pat Robertson discusses his new book.
Guest Pat Robertson discusses his new book.
Brian Williams’ puff piece on President Obama
Hour 1: Media bias between coverage of abortion dr. murder vs a Muslim man murdering a US soldier
Hour 2: Jonah Goldberg’s new book Liberal Facism
Hour 3: Ted Rall calls for Obama to resign
Hour 1: GM files for bankruptcy
Hour 2: New book: God According to God
Hour 3: NJ Gubernatorial candidate Chris Christie
Hour 1: Debate between David Howowitz and Cary Nelson about the book One-Party Classroom.
Hour 2: Dinesh vs. Hitchens
Hour 3: Some men are turning away from marriage
Hour 1: Should we have a national sales tax?
Hour 2: ADF 1st Amendment File about the gay agenda in public education
Hour 3:
Hour 1: Is it important that Sotomayer is hispanic?
Hour 2: Dennis Prager
Hour 3: Prop 8 and gay marriage
Hour 1: Obama nominates Sotomayor to Supreme Court
Hour 2: Spoke to Lt. General Ricardo Sanchez about his new book Wiser in Battle
Hour 3: Future of the GOP
Three Big Lies About the Vietnam War